wow life is exciting! i have this feeling in my gut that amazing things are about to happen and are happening. Honestly, nothing much has changed in my life for better or worse. Still working, getting healthy, and enjoying life on my off days. Am i excited for my friends and family because the people around me are doing great things? cant put my finger on it.

But I have this feeling that something in the future is going to happen. That something exciting is coming up! do i know what it is? not a clue and i am ok with that.
i recently talked about using bars of soap and bars of lotion to get rid of plastic use. since we are all about practicality over here, i do not recommend the bar of lotion. It is not as easy as it seems to put on and it is not that hydrating, but it is definitely fun! I still recommend the bar of soap, which is very practical and easy to use. I got a little mitten to put on my hand so i can rub the soap on that and then use it on my body. i do not recommend the mitten because there is a lot of switching of hands when i am trying to wash my body.
also i bought spirulina. I created a spirulina matcha latte! ALSO i cooked my own beans from scratch! how exciting! maybe those are the things that i am excited about