Hi friends! I am sorry I have not been posting. I just was not getting in the mood to share like I usually am, but here we are! Whenever I think of something that I want to share with you, I write it down and then when it comes time to post I pick what I want to share. What I am about to share right now is something that I have learned in a mindfulness class and I could not think of a better time to talk about this other than now (for many different reasons).
The feeling of grief happens is every one’s life. Right now, pretty much the whole world is going through it and that is the feeling of losing normality because of the effects that this pandemic is creating. It is different for everyone on how they wrap their emotions around losing someone or something. To help this process of feeling and to keep your mind and heart connected while going through a loss, R.A.I.N. is a helpful way to dissect those feeling. I will explain what this stands for, but it is how to take care of your emotions in a positive, healthy, and non-judgementle way. Let us jump into it :)

The first step is to recognize. Recognize what and how you are feeling and then put a label on it. Name that feeling or create a sentence for that feeling. This label is not a judgement of good or bad (just like my Good? Bad? Who knows? post) this is just so you can see what exactly you are feeling. This could bring some relief to you to know exactly what is going on in your mind.
This feeling is your reality right now. Do not push this feeling away or try to make it not important to you. Instead make this feeling front and center of your mind and accept the fact that this is how you are feeling; be proud of this emotion and do not self-criticize.
Investigate. Figure out why you feel this way, when did it start, and what can you do to help this emotion. Have a little conversation with yourself (like you are a friend) and dig deep into that emotion. When you do this, you will often find other pieces of the emotion that might bring light into your life and get rid of some of that negativity.
You are an amazing capable being. Emotions are just a little piece of us, but we are so much stronger than then. The last step is to take care of that emotion. Hold it like it is your own and take care of it. Do things that make you happy and know that this emotion will eventually pass. It might come back but now you know what to do when it does. Love this emotion and do the little things that make you, you. Nurture your emotion.
It is ok to have feelings and emotions. I feel like in this day in age people try to hide or pretend that they do not have emotions because it makes them feel better, but emotions are what make you human and beautiful! Be proud of your emotions and be proud tat you now how to take care of them. They are yours and no one else has those same exact feelings; love them. Love you all.