magic. what even is magic? do you see it? feel it? do it? I do not have the answer, do you? what I do know is that i have magic, i know what my magic is, i know how to create my own, and i know that i am made out of magic.
magic for me looks like this. waking up at 5:00am, moving my body in some type of way, and having the house to myself before anyone wakes up. I do some cleaning around the house, wash my face and put on a cute outfit for my morning walk/hike with coco (my chocolate lab). hold on, i do not go on my walk yet, i have breakfast and coffee first and catch up on all of my notifications on my phone. Now i go out for my walk. While on my walk, i will usually try to call a soul sister/brother and hope they are awake because it is usually around 8:30 at this point.
after my walk or hike, i will come home and get ready for my day. makeup, check; cute outfit, check; perfume, check! make a second cupa coffee with a snack, get some reading or writing in, then i am out for the rest of my day. Whether it be work, errands, or a fun adventure, this is how i create my magic for the day.
now it is interesting because once it hits 4pm or 5pmish, i lose my magic, start to wind down, and i get excited for the next day to come so i can experience that magic again. how do i create magic in the afternoon? what should i do to receive more energy and be excited for the rest of the day? i have to find it and i will find it, but if you have an answer, idea, or remedy, please let me know so i can try it out.
So how do you create your magic? what do you do that gets you excited about life? explore. create. move. love. laugh. shop. eat. connections. relationships. friends.
mo xx